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Sleeve One

I'm in the home stretch, or so I thought. Two sleeves, piece of cake, right? Some increases and decreases, I already know the color pattern. Should be easy. Think again! I had to go to my knitting store to get help understanding the pattern. It looks like I increase every 4-6 rows until I start decreasing. That woud be fine if I didn't have fair isle patterns throughout. I got a headache--literally--just thinking about how to count those patterns and where to start it, etc. All I need is to mess up on the sleeves and have to start them over.

I also need to start thinking about finding a zipper and getting help to finish this project. I'm also stressed to finish this project. I'm terrified that color patterns won't match up or that my seaming is crooked. Then I have to install a zipper and pick up stitches to do the shawl collar. After three months of work, I think I might have a mini break down if it doesn't seam well.

This project has been rewarding and challenging. I go through ups and downs: I'm proud of all that I have learned and I love seeing a finished piece. On the other hand, when I start knitting a new difficult aspect, my stress level goes through the roof. My boyfriend has to remind me that I knit for enjoyment.

Regardless of my feelings, this project will be done by November 15, finishing and all. Let's start praying that it all works out.

Happy knitting!


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