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Fair Isle

Today, I finally learned Fair Isle. Well, as much as you can learn in one day. Learning the stranding wasn't too bad. I prefer stranding every other stitch than every single one, but the three stitch stranding was nice too. However, it got difficult when I had to read a chart and count the main color and contrast color. I had to count the number of stitches per color, but I also had to be alert to count for when I needed to strand. It became extremely difficult when I had to think about which side to strand on, like how to strand on the wrong/right side. Coupled with the counting, my brain felt like my head would explode. It's definitely not the kind of knitting I can do while watching TV.

I got so frustrated, that after an hour, I had to put the knitting down and go exercise. Actually, difficult knitting is the perfect incentive for exercise. I worked out extremely hard after I took a break from the knitting. So, this sweater project may help me to lose weight, which I need (sitting and knitting and reading all day isn't the best dieting technique...)

Being a teacher, I am constantly trying to work at a level of perfection. I know it's impossible to teach a class perfectly, but it's something to shoot for. Knitting, on the other hand, has taught me, again, how to learn. I know that I need to make mistakes in order to learn, which I find terrifying. However, I think that this project will help me to become a better teacher and learner because I will learn how to knit better and, with this direct experience, I can truly empathize with my students with all their frustrations in school.

Happy knitting!


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