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Strep Throat

As a first-year teacher, I have heard it's normal to get sick, very sick. I got sick at the beginning of December with Strep throat. The only problem was that I didn't go to the doctor for three weeks because I thought I had a cold. By that time, I had developed an ear infection as well.

I can be very stubborn.

So on Monday, when I started to get a sore throat while grocery shopping, I thought I was just getting a cold. It wasn't until Tuesday when a student said that I might have strep that I wondered...Every time I swallow, I feel fire. By the end of the day, I'm dizzy and tired. This time, I learned my lesson. I went to the doctor today. I felt very silly saying that I had a sore throat, but it was good that I had. As it turns out, I do have strep throat. I can't believe that I got it AGAIN within three months. As I told my boyfriend, I shouldn't be getting sick: I exercise, I bathe, I eat right, I sleep. However, before I could even finish listing the things I was doing right, my boyfriend simply said, "You're not a machine." And he's right. No matter how well we take care of ourselves, illnesses happen.

Now, where's my beast of a pill?


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