New Year
Before I set goals for 2013, let's see how well I did for 2012:
1. Lose 10 pounds by May. That should be doable.
--Not doable. Oh well. I switched gyms, have lost a bit of weight, but I have lost inches. I'm still working on this one.
2. Learn to knit lace. I already know how, but I want to get better and to do more than a rectangle. is helping me accomplish this goal.
--Accomplished. I knit one lace shawl and have a second one on the needles.
3. Learn to knit socks. is again going to help me learn this.
--Still not done. I have a few more must-knits before I get to this, but I will this January!
4. Organize my place 5-10 minutes a day. It's a habit I need to hone...I'm good at cleaning and chores, just not putting my stuff away!
--Done! thanks to google calendar, but whatever works, right?
5. Start designing hats.
--Done! Nothing exciting yet, but I can knit a hat without a pattern.
6. Blog more.
--Maybe? I have good and bad weeks.
2013 goals!
1. Keep getting results from the gym. Rather than lose weight, I'd like a lower BMI number.
2. Be able to do 5 pull ups.
3. Stretch out my hamstrings.
4. Learn to knit socks.
5. Learn to knit Entrelac.
6. Finish the Masters Level 1 Program.
7. Do and finish the Masters Level 2 Program.
8. Save more money.
8 goals. I think I can do it :) Now to post more pictures of my completed sweater and accomplish more goals!
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2012 | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
NaKniSweMo 4
The sweater is seamed together! It's a bit longer on me than I intended, but it fits great. I just need to add the ribbing to the sleeves and add the cowl. It is actually a really easy piece to knit. I did have to look up ssp (slip slip purl) and I will have to pick up stitches. However, if you know how to do ribbing, increases, decreases, and knit in the round, it's really easy (beginners out there, those techniques are MUCH easier than they sound). Here are some pictures! More to come later this week.
Happy knitting!
Sunday, November 11, 2012 | | 0 Comments
NaKniSweMo 3
It's November 9th, which means I have been working on my sweater for less than two weeks. I would be ahead of where I currently am if I hadn't had to work this past week. I knit maybe two inches from Monday through Thursday. However, I made up for lost time tonight when I nearly finished the front side of the sweater. I hope to finish the other sleeve and the back tomorrow, and seam the pieces together. Then, all I have to do is pick up stitches for the sleeve ribbing and the cowl! Perhaps by this Thursday I will have a new sweater! I will post pictures tomorrow :)
Friday, November 09, 2012 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Sweater Update
This is the second entry for NaKniSweMo. I've been knitting my head off, since the last sweater I knit took me two months. It turns out that a sweater for me (smaller than the last one), in one color and simply knit in stockinette, goes by much faster. So far, I have knit about 15 inches and am on my third ball of yarn!
For my friends who do not knit, this sweater is knit from the bottom up. The cuff is slightly wider to accomodate hips, then it is decreased for the waist. By tomorrow, I should be up to the arm pits if I have enough time to knit 3 inches, which really only takes an hour or so. It's knit in a cotton/nylon blend, so it's a bit more stretchy than 100% cotton. Another interesting fact about the yarn is that it is made from Pima Cotton--from Pima County! It was my favorite cotton before I knew it was from Arizona. It's extremely soft and, being cotton, won't make me sweat in the winter here in AZ. Of course, my winter is the world's fall...if that.
If I finish this early, which is likely based on my current rate of knitting, my mom has already told me that I have other knitting assignments. Here's to working hard!
Happy knitting!
Sunday, November 04, 2012 | | 0 Comments
November 1
I have officially started NaKniSweMo! A little behind, I finished a prayer shawl for a friend who will be ordained in a little over a month. I then swatched and started knitting my sweater. Below are some pictures. It's an easy pattern, so I think it should be fairly easy to knit in a month, perhaps sooner. I am knitting the Cloudy Sunday sweater from in a size medium.
Below are the pictures of my progress. I hope to update this every few days so I have more motivation to knit--as if I needed it!
Happy knitting!
Thursday, November 01, 2012 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Happy Halloween!
Unfortunately, this Halloween was very low key for me. I sang a mass and then walked my dog outside for 10 minutes. Unfortunately, no one saw him in his cute little costume because it was too late :( Perhaps I will be able to celebrate the holiday this weekend.
I hope you all had a safe and Happy Halloween!
Thursday, November 01, 2012 | | 1 Comments
Sorry I have been MIA. September and part of October are always very busy times for work. Nonetheless, I still had time to knit (incredibly).
One of the reasons I was so busy was that I had a knitting deadline: to knit 10 prayer shawls by the beginning of November. I started in mid-July and finished in early October. It calculated to about one shawl a week. So rather than blog about the process, I simply knit.
I am currently working on a prayer shawl for a friend who will be ordained as a priest this December. I have been working on it for about two weeks and hope to finish it this week.
There are also a few holiday projects that I'm working on: dish cloths with my extra yarn, jewelry for friends and co-workers, and decorative scarves for my mom's friends. I still need to re-submit some swatches for the Master's Program (just haven't gotten around to it). And I need to finish a shawl from a craftsy course.
Did I mention that I want to knit my first socks?
THEN I find out that November is knit a sweater month: NaKniSweMo. There is a sweater and a vest that I have been wanting to knit for myself for about a year now. So, I will do my best to finish the prayer shawl so I can start that sweater...and all of the other stuff.
Needless to say, I will be busy and far from needle-less.
Happy knitting!
Monday, October 22, 2012 | | 0 Comments
I've been to Madrid a few times now, and only recently have I gone to Botín. It is the oldest restaurant to keep its doors open. Since 1725, it has been open and serving food in the same location. Hemingway also enjoyed eating there. Being a literature lover and a lover of Spanish food, I had to go there. The menus are in English and Spanish. You can sit at Hemingway's table on the "top" floor (you may want to make a reservation), which is the floor on street level, or you can eat in the "cave." We chose to eat downstairs, which definitely felt like going back in time. In general, you may want to make a reservation, which can be done online as well. The wait staff are friendly, courteous, and professional, which is something the average Madrid restaurant does not offer. We were told to order a soufflé for dessert, which is not on the menu. However, be sure to order it with the rest of your food because it takes a while to prepare.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | Labels: Spain | 0 Comments
Food in Madrid
Sometimes it seems like I travel simply to eat. Wait, that's exactly what I do. I think my ideal trips include lots of walking, museums, seeing important sites, and food. If I had to choose two vacation necessities, they would be walking and food. I think the best way to talk about it is via pictures.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 | Labels: Spain | 0 Comments
Yarn in Madrid
Ever since I started knitting and reading knitting blogs, I have kind of made it my quest to find yarn stores wherever I travel and to buy something. I like to support local yarn stores, even if I don't have a particular store in mind.
However, finding yarn in Spain has always been very difficult for me. I use google to search, but "lana" and "tejer" usually don't show me the stores I'm looking for. They tend to show sewing stores, a craft I cannot do, though I'd like to learn to sew someday (especially to hem my own jeans!). It took a Madrileña to tell me that all of the yarn stores are just south of Sol! Even the streets have the names: Calle de la bolsa. I ended up buying yarn in the modern part of the city, but there are yarn shops in Sol, the heart of the country! That just shows you how important knitting/crochet is nowadays.
Monday, August 20, 2012 | Labels: Knitting, Spain | 0 Comments
Sorry about waiting so long to write! I left my connector in Spain, so I couldn't upload any pictures. I will be doing my best to write about my trip to Spain this summer. So far, I am planning posts on: yarn in Madrid, food in Madrid, Botín, and Santander, though I am sure there are many most posts in there!
I love Madrid. For some reason, I never get there as often as I would like to. This time, I made it there a few times. I love going to Retiro, walking around Sol and Plaza Mayor, and just being there in general. The tough part about being in Madrid in the summer is that it is so hot! So it is kind of hard to be walking around all day.
Monday, August 20, 2012 | Labels: Spain | 0 Comments
Spanish Wine Tasting
I love my wine! In the USA, I enjoy wine tasting at bodegas and wine shoppes. In Spain, I do the same. Esencias de Gourmet, a shoppe in Alcalá de Henares, does wine tastings either in the shoppe or in tapas bars. This time it paired up with Posada del Diablo and paired all of the wines with gourmet tapas. For 25 euros, it's a steal. It turns out that Posada del Diablo is from the 16th century. At that time, it was outside of the city (barely) and "witches" lived there. Hence "place of the devil." There, students would go and have their fortunes read by the cards. Here are some pictures:
Monday, June 18, 2012 | Labels: Spain | 1 Comments
Alcala de Henares
Alcalá de Henares is a beautiful city and a World Heritage Site. Here are some pictures that I took this time.
Monday, June 18, 2012 | Labels: Spain | 0 Comments
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Amazon Shopping to Support MVM4 years ago
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Blog Tour for The Night Visitor10 years ago
Pebbly earrings13 years ago