Days 1 and 2 of Lent
It is Lent once again! I feel that I have not posted much since last year's Lent. I have been knitting, but not enough due to graduate school. I hope to include some pictures of my two projects, although one is very boring, during this season.
I used to hate Ash Wednesday services because they were so serious and some appeared hypocritical. The last two years have been a pleasant improvement. Last night the priest reminded us that Lent should not have us wonder what we should give up. Rather we should ask ourselves how we can better bring Christ's message of love into the world. Yes, we should try to avoid our bad habits, but if we place too much pressure on ourselves, we may be doing the opposite and begrudge Christ this season. Therefore, once again, I will try to do one good deed each day, not repeating any, during this Lenten season. I will also attempt to give up one bad habit, which, of course, I will not be posting online because everyone is perfect in their online personas.
March 5: Give money to St. Vincent De Paul
March 6: Take my dog on a long walk during my only break today.
What are you doing for Lent?
As always, Happy Knitting!
Thursday, March 06, 2014
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