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Lenten Deeds Update 1

Friday, 3/7: buy chocolate wine for my friend
Saturday, 3/8: email a friend studying abroad
Sunday, 3/9: respond to student emails sent late for Monday's class
Monday, 3/10: walk to meet my friends rather than drive

Yeah, I know: my "good" deeds are rather lame at this point. I need to spend more time focussing on the good that I can actually do on a daily basis. There are also many good deeds that I do regularly, but should those "count" for Lent?

I will try to do good deeds that I normally don't, but if it is a busy day for me, I may need to fall back to a "common" good deed. However the whole point is to inspire people to do good and love God, so I think I will be okay either way.


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