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New Year's Resolutions: 2014

Happy New Year! Like last year, let's see how I did before making new goals:

1. Keep getting results from the gym. Rather than lose weight, I'd like a lower BMI number.
              I have been getting results from the gym, and my BMI is lower. So far, so good. I've lost eight pounds as well.
2. Be able to do 5 pull ups.
          I can! not in a row...but I can. Additionally, I'm only displacing 45 pounds when I do assisted dips and chin ups.
3. Stretch out my hamstrings.
          Not really measurable, but I do stretch more
4. Learn to knit socks.
          I made my first pair in spring 2013! There are pictures on this blog.
5. Learn to knit Entrelac.
           Not yet...too many knitting projects in progress
6. Finish the Masters Level 1 Program.
           Again, not yet, but by March.
7. Do and finish the Masters Level 2 Program.
        A 2014/2015 goal
8. Save more money.
          Done, but considering I'm making less, my bank account looks about the same.

So I thought 8 goals was doable. It looks like that number was a bit high. It is interesting to see what my concerns/values were a year ago. This year I would like to...

1. Lose two more pounds (easy, but keeping them off can be hard)
2. Learn to knit Entrelac.
3. Finish the Masters Level 1 Knitting Program.
4. Start the Masters Level 2 Knitting Program.
5. Travel to one new place.
6. Exercise at least three times per week.
7. Be sure to find happiness in everything I do. 

Happy New Year!


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