Yarn in Madrid
Ever since I started knitting and reading knitting blogs, I have kind of made it my quest to find yarn stores wherever I travel and to buy something. I like to support local yarn stores, even if I don't have a particular store in mind.
However, finding yarn in Spain has always been very difficult for me. I use google to search, but "lana" and "tejer" usually don't show me the stores I'm looking for. They tend to show sewing stores, a craft I cannot do, though I'd like to learn to sew someday (especially to hem my own jeans!). It took a MadrileƱa to tell me that all of the yarn stores are just south of Sol! Even the streets have the names: Calle de la bolsa. I ended up buying yarn in the modern part of the city, but there are yarn shops in Sol, the heart of the country! That just shows you how important knitting/crochet is nowadays.
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Amazon Shopping to Support MVM4 years ago
Brioche Knitting Resources5 years ago
Blog Tour for The Night Visitor10 years ago
Pebbly earrings13 years ago
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