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Rumplestiltskin on Knitting

I've always known that Rumplestiltskin was a fairy tale, albeit a nice one. Who wouldn't want to turn something basically worthless into gold? However, now that I knit, I believe it to be more of a reality.

I went through my stash...my yarn stash that is. Since it has been months since I have bought any yarn, I thought that my stash would be under control. It turns out that I have three bags of unused or partially used balls/skeins of yarn that I have no use for. I know people say to keep some excess yarn for waste yarn etc., but I think I'm fine with three bags. That doesn't count the three containers of yarn that I'm planning to use. Needless to say, I think I'm covered for a year at least.

While I was looking through the yarn, I thought about Rumplestiltskin. Yarn is like hay, perhaps worth a bit more (though I haven't checked the prices of hay recently). Really, unless you are a crafty person, yarn is probably worthless to you. Sure, knitters know that some yarn is really expensive and one only has to touch it to know why. However, yarn doesn't really become worth much more until it is knit, woven, crocheted, etc. Handmade garments and accessories can be extremely expensive, like turning hay into gold.

Now I only need to talk to Rumplestiltskin about how to turn my yarn into gold faster so I can buy some more yarn....

Happy knitting!


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