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Lace Shawl and TKGA L1 Update

I have been super busy this week and hardly had time to sleep! Therefore, as you might imagine, I didn't have time to knit. So I have a few goals today, and none of them are April Fools.

-Block swatches 1-3 for TKGA and answer the first few questions. That's way over due!
-Block my cables and lace shawl
-Take pictures and post them of said shawl
-Start swatch 4 of TKGA

And my goal for the week is to try to finish knitting another lace shawl from a course I'm taking on craftsy.com. I'm already on half way through. Of course, the half I finished had 100 or less stitches. Now I have 230 and my last section will have over 400! Oh well. My goal is to finish one section today, start another one at the very least. Hopefully I can be blocking it Easter weekend. What do you think? Can I do it?

Do I have to work? Yes, I also have stuff to prepare for my classes, but I can always do that tomorrow. I finished all of my chores for today, so I think it will be a knitting day :D

Happy knitting!

(And pictures to come in the near future)


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