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TKGA L1: Swatches 1-3

I have finished knitting the first three swatches for the Masters Level 1. Since I did them in three days, my arms are hurting just a bit. They will require blocking, which I know how to do, but I want to research it a little bit more. That is perfect because it goes along with the report needed for the course. Now that they are knitted, I will spend the next few days researching and writing, then I will block them and answer the first group of questions for the program. After that, I will go onto the next set of swatches.

So far, it's not too hard. I think I may need to reknit the swatch with the 1x1 rib. It turned out pretty well, but I think I can do better. Perhaps when I block it all will be well.

Happy knitting!


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