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New Scarf

I had a very productive weekend! I did some work, but I spent the bulk of my time knitting. The more I knit, the more I want to knit. I know, I've said it before, but it's true.

While I am almost done with the back piece of the Big Lebowski sweater, I did finish a scarf. My boyfriend has a friend in Spain who is a police officer. Since he's always been a good friend of my boyfriend's, I decided to make him a scarf. I bought the yarn in San Francisco this summer because he has always wanted to go there. It's a dark brown color and the pattern I chose created a nice texture.

CO 30 stitches
Row 1: *K1, P1, rep from *
Row 2: *P1, ybk, sl1, k2, yfrn, psso the k2 and yfrn, rep from * to the last 2 sts, P1, K1
Row 3: See Row 1
Row 4: p1, k1, *p1,  ybk, sl1, k2, yfrn, psso the k2 and yfrn, rep from * to end.

Repeat rows.

Happy knitting!


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