On to Sleeve Two
After about a week of knitting, I am done with the first sleeve of the Big Lebowski Sweater. I was really nervous about it because I had to shape the sleeve throughout all color patterns. However, there were enough stitches for me to place stitch markers at the beginning and end of the fair isle pattern, so I could think about the color and the shaping at different times.
As I was finishing the shaping today, I nearly made a huge mistake. I bound off too many stitches with only 15 rows to go! So I undid two rows. I was really nervous about dropping stitches or twisting them, but I could untwist them afterwards. I was really afraid of taking out the needle and putting it back in, but it worked and went really well. I think that it went so well partly because the wool is so "sticky" and retains its shape well.
Today I also talked to a knitting teacher and she will help me to finish the sweater next Saturday. That's 6 days away to knit one more sleeve and do the two facings, not to mention weaving in the ends and buying a zipper. Lots to do, but I must admit that I'm excited to work on a new project. I think that's why many sweaters go unfinished: one gets bored. This project should have taken me 6 months, but I will finish it in 3.
Happy knitting!
Saturday, October 29, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Sleeve Break Through!
I have been really stressed about finishing the Big Lebowski sweater lately, for about a week. I have been super nervous about doing increases and a color pattern at the same time, something I've never done. However, after crunching the numbers, it's much easier than I thought. I knit 7 stitches, place a marker, doing the color pattern, place another marker, and knit 7 more stitches. When I do the increases, I will do them in the main color since the pattern will be centered. Now that I've done the fair isle pattern 3 times, it should be much easier and faster. Now I can't wait to go home and knit. As stressed as I've been with this pattern, I have learned SO much from this and this break through makes me feel like I'm at the top of the world. It's a reminder for why I knit: it is overwhelmingly rewarding!
The light at the end of the tunnel just got a whole lot brighter!
Thursday, October 27, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Sleeve One
I'm in the home stretch, or so I thought. Two sleeves, piece of cake, right? Some increases and decreases, I already know the color pattern. Should be easy. Think again! I had to go to my knitting store to get help understanding the pattern. It looks like I increase every 4-6 rows until I start decreasing. That woud be fine if I didn't have fair isle patterns throughout. I got a headache--literally--just thinking about how to count those patterns and where to start it, etc. All I need is to mess up on the sleeves and have to start them over.
I also need to start thinking about finding a zipper and getting help to finish this project. I'm also stressed to finish this project. I'm terrified that color patterns won't match up or that my seaming is crooked. Then I have to install a zipper and pick up stitches to do the shawl collar. After three months of work, I think I might have a mini break down if it doesn't seam well.
This project has been rewarding and challenging. I go through ups and downs: I'm proud of all that I have learned and I love seeing a finished piece. On the other hand, when I start knitting a new difficult aspect, my stress level goes through the roof. My boyfriend has to remind me that I knit for enjoyment.
Regardless of my feelings, this project will be done by November 15, finishing and all. Let's start praying that it all works out.
Happy knitting!
Monday, October 24, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Knitting Club
I now have a knitting club at the school in which I teach. Although we have only met once, it has been very rewarding. One of my students came in already knowing how to crochet and has picked up knitting quickly. She is a very creative person and opened up a baseball and started to crochet with the fibers in it until she reached the hard core. While the fibers are a little sticky, I thought it was a very resourceful way to use materials for fiber crafts.
Happy knitting!
Monday, October 24, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Big Lebowski Right Front
In order to get this sweater done by my dad's birthday, I knit all day yesterday. I did the complete fair isle part between Friday and yesterday, and I went ahead and finished the piece last night. I am feeling a lot of pressure to finish it, which isn't making the knitting too much fun. I started the project in August and I need it done by early November. For learning fair isle and finishing techniques, that's not much time. Now all I need to do is de-code the sleeve directions and I can begin that. Again, I'm hoping to do each sleeve in one week, even with the fair isle. I am planning to dedicate a day to seaming the sweater and putting in the zipper, which I need to start looking for.
To make my knitting stress level rise, I have also started a dog sweater for my new baby. While it is considerably smaller, I need to figure out how to continue to meet my Big Lebowski goals, while not falling behind in my dog sweater class. I know the Dude would tell me to relax, but I do have deadlines...and a full time job. Although I'm stressed, I know I'll be happy with the final project. I just have to focus on that.
Happy knitting!
Sunday, October 23, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Basic Cast On
This is the basic cast-on method. While there are various ways to cast-on, this is a good method for beginners.
Happy knitting!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Cast off
This is a tutorial for how to cast off the basic way.
Happy knitting!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Knit Stitch, Continental Method
This is a tutorial for the knit stitch in the Continental or German method. You hold the yarn in your left hand. Another tutorial can be found at
Monday, October 17, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Knit Stitch, English Method
This is a tutorial for the knit stitch done in the English method with the yarn held in the right hand. has another great tutorial.
Happy knitting!
Monday, October 17, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Knitting Progress
Well, I've been meaning to write sooner, but I've been knitting instead. Here's what I have been working on.
Sunday, October 16, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Intro to Knitting
This is a little video I made about knitting supplies (yarn and needles). Although I mention two yarn brands, there are many more that I enjoy using, but are more expensive. Kiwi Knitting Company and have a great selection of yarn as well.
Happy knitting!
Sunday, October 09, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
Left Front
No rest for the wicked, some say. I must be terrible indeed because I am always working! However, not all work is terrible. Thursday evening I finished the back part of the Big Lebowski Sweater. Although I was happy to see the fruits of my labor and learning, I started the left front of the sweater yesterday. This time it's going much faster. I have already completed the first stripe and z pattern. My goal is to get to the first chart today or tomorrow.
I think it's going faster because I have already practiced quite a bit with color work and because there are about 1/3 of the stitches on this piece compared to the back. Another knitting aspect that I've learned in this process is the Continental knitting style. While I'm still not super fast at it, nor the most stationary, I have switched to knitting the sweater in Continental style because a 1x1 rib does go faster this way than English method. I'm beginning to see how I can do increases and decreases using Continental, but not casting on or off.
I'm really enjoying the sweater now. It's become easy and it's a constant reminder for how much I've learned since the beginning of August. Let's hope I can finish it by November! Now that I have a dog, I want to knit him a sweater and a blanket for the holidays. So much knitting and so little time!
Happy knitting!
Saturday, October 01, 2011 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
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