My List of Meaningless, but annoying, Pet Peeves
In no particular order...
- A damp towel when you've just showered
- Damp clothes out of the dryer
- Knitting patterns in booklets that are unavailable
- Plane tickets that are ridiculously over-priced
- Drivers in the fast lane that go below the speeding limit
- When the internet loads slowly--and I remember the dial up days!
- People who lack the ability to follow directions
- burning your tongue on food or drink
- Knitting with a cut on your finger
- The dry part of lotion.
Sunday, March 30, 2014 | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
This is your brain on knitting -
This is your brain on knitting -
This is a really great article. I have always enjoyed knitting. Sometimes it's frustrating when you are learning a new technique, but you feel so proud once you do master it. Of course it takes perseverance, but it is worth the effort. Now that I've read many articles on health benefits from knitting/crocheting, I know I will continue this hobby for as long as I am able.
More people than you realize knit. See if a friend can teach you. Otherwise there is at least one yarn store in every town with people eager to teach you.
Happy knitting!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 | | 0 Comments
Reality Show Drinking Game
I have a few guilty pleasures, and one of them is watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. This last season with Juan Pablo inspired the following drinking game.
Drink if you hear the following phrases or statements:
- "It is what it is."
- "At the end of the day..."
- "It's okay." (Now that Juan Pablo is no longer the bachelor, I don't know how often I'll hear this phrase, but we'll see.)
- "I'm here for love." (mostly for The Bachelor shows)
- "dream"
- "I'm just being honest."
- "mature" and variations
- disrespect and variations
- grown-ass woman/man (for VH1 shows)
Monday, March 24, 2014 | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
Lenten Deeds Update 1
Friday, 3/7: buy chocolate wine for my friend
Saturday, 3/8: email a friend studying abroad
Sunday, 3/9: respond to student emails sent late for Monday's class
Monday, 3/10: walk to meet my friends rather than drive
Yeah, I know: my "good" deeds are rather lame at this point. I need to spend more time focussing on the good that I can actually do on a daily basis. There are also many good deeds that I do regularly, but should those "count" for Lent?
I will try to do good deeds that I normally don't, but if it is a busy day for me, I may need to fall back to a "common" good deed. However the whole point is to inspire people to do good and love God, so I think I will be okay either way.
Monday, March 10, 2014 | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
Days 1 and 2 of Lent
It is Lent once again! I feel that I have not posted much since last year's Lent. I have been knitting, but not enough due to graduate school. I hope to include some pictures of my two projects, although one is very boring, during this season.
I used to hate Ash Wednesday services because they were so serious and some appeared hypocritical. The last two years have been a pleasant improvement. Last night the priest reminded us that Lent should not have us wonder what we should give up. Rather we should ask ourselves how we can better bring Christ's message of love into the world. Yes, we should try to avoid our bad habits, but if we place too much pressure on ourselves, we may be doing the opposite and begrudge Christ this season. Therefore, once again, I will try to do one good deed each day, not repeating any, during this Lenten season. I will also attempt to give up one bad habit, which, of course, I will not be posting online because everyone is perfect in their online personas.
March 5: Give money to St. Vincent De Paul
March 6: Take my dog on a long walk during my only break today.
What are you doing for Lent?
As always, Happy Knitting!
Thursday, March 06, 2014 | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
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Amazon Shopping to Support MVM4 years ago
Brioche Knitting Resources5 years ago
Blog Tour for The Night Visitor10 years ago
Pebbly earrings13 years ago