As a child and teenager, I hated to get vaccinated. First, I'm afraid of needles. While I donate blood, I can never look at my arm otherwise...I'd be that pale lump that fainted. The last few times I've gotten shots, the actual "stick" hasn't been bad, but then my arm gets sore.
This time, I got two shots: the flu vaccine and the tetanus, whooping cough, and diphtheria vaccine. I'm a teacher, so I thought it would be mature of me to face my fear and do it. Well, a few hours later, I had my worst vaccine reaction in my life. This may be because I have just finished getting over a cold, but it doesn't really matter. After looking up side effects from both shots, it turns out that I have a combination: red eyes, sore throat, headache, sore arms, and I ran a fever last night (I know that because I was cuddling with my dog for heat and I was using my knit blanket, which normally makes me sweat after 30 minutes.).
So that botched my knitting and working plans. Unfortunately for me, I did manage to clean the apartment before symptoms set in. I say unfortunately because of knitting, working, and cleaning, cleaning is the activity I hate the most.
While I still have blood-shot eyes, I will brave my students and go to work today. I will be the zombie-looking teacher, haha.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
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