Big L Sweater Update
I was hoping to be further along on this project, but I forgot how exhausting a new teaching job is! I love my new job, but working with new students and adjusting to a new community really takes it out of you! I should be fine by the end of the month.
At any rate, I was not able to work on the sweater at all last week. So, come Saturday morning, I went on a knitting rampage. It turns out that I really love knitting with two colors. No, I can't really watch TV or talk to anyone while I'm doing it, but I love the challenge and the thinking of fair isle. It's as if my hands and fingers are doing a choreographed dance. Needless to say, I knit for about three hours without stopping.
I'm about 10 rows short of shaping the arm holes at this point. I took it into Kiwi Knitting Company, my favorite knit shop, and showed the owner because she taught me how to do color knitting and I'm sure she'll teach me much more! Once there, I showed her the sweater and a few other people, who were all really impressed. It wasn't until that moment that I realized that I have gotten far. Yes, I'm still on piece one, but, holding it up to myself, it is almost long enough to cover my torso and it's wider that I am (it's made for my dad). Receiving all that positive feedback only made me want to knit more, but, alas, work and other things got in the way.
Sunday I planned all day, so I shouldn't have any prep work today. Therefore, after my after-school meeting, I think I'll be knitting some more :)
Happy knitting!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
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