New Job and Resignation
As some of you may know, being a first-year teacher is a rough job. Teaching six different classes one's first year is even harder. However, I made it through with great help from supportive faculty and staff. Still, the sixty-hour work week was rough on my relationships with pretty much everyone. My relationship with yarn and knitting was basically the only thing that I could do daily to relieve some stress.
In late April, I was offered a job teaching Spanish at my old middle school. I will only teach two different classes and I will be placed in the state pension fund (let's hope my state still has one when I do retire!). I was relieved, knowing that I would have more time for myself, my boyfriend, and my family and friends this coming year. Still, I was nervous to quit my current job.
After teaching 6 different classes for a year, I resigned today. It went really well and my principal understood completely. Additionally, it will help one of my coworkers, who will teach fewer classes and be in my old room and out of her portable.
I learned a lot this year, about teaching and life. I think my most important lesson is to not ever sacrifice friendships and to make time for people daily, even if it's only for a quick cup of coffee.
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Amazon Shopping to Support MVM4 years ago
Brioche Knitting Resources5 years ago
Blog Tour for The Night Visitor10 years ago
Pebbly earrings13 years ago
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- New Job and Resignation
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- Who Is Bin Laden? - A Biography Of Osama Bin Laden...
- Osama Bin Laden Is Dead; President Tells Nation 'J...
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