I officially started knitting my bolero January 21. 86 days later, I have finished knitting two boleros: one in light blue and the other in lavender. They are the same pattern, but they turned out slightly differently. One has a more narrow neckline and the other has the border that's slightly tighter in the back than the front. However, both look really nice. I feel a sense of relief, that I've actually accomplished something big. Yet I also feel a sense of emptiness, like what am I going to knit now? I realize that the question is ridiculous, since I still need to finish a scarf from Christmas, a shawl, and an open-work scarf before I can say that I've finished all of my in-progress projects. I am glad that I've learned so much doing this as well. I've learned how to seem, how to cast on for certain areas, what different decreases mean, and, most importantly, how to weave in the ends (though I am still paranoid that the ends will come loose. From here on out, I'm only buying yarn that I can felt).
Tomorrow is the day when I give my boleros as gifts. I hope the girls like them. One is a birthday present and the other is an early graduation present. I'm a little afraid that they won't like them or won't wear them, though many people have seen them and said that they really liked the boleros. It will feel weird that the boleros will no longer be around, even though they aren't in my size and I could never wear them. At least I will have the pictures.
I will keep you updated on the new projects I take on, as well as any lessons I will learn in the future. Knitting is a life-long luxury and I intend to enjoy every minute of learning new techniques.
Happy knitting!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
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