Lent Recap
Easter was last weekend and Lent is officially over. I succeeded in doing at least one good deed a day. Doing good deeds daily did help me to focus on bringing good into the world. However, like everything, too much of a good thing can be bad. Sometimes I was really stressed or busy and thinking of doing something good added stress instead of taking away stress. Nonetheless, I did at least one good deed a day and I hope to continue to do so throughout the year. Will I do so every single day? Who knows, but it is something to aim for.
Here is the recap:
2/22 Ash Wednesday: Give mom lotion
2/23: Bring muffins to Dad's work; buy boyfriend a video game.
2/24: buy boyfriend present; make cookies for friends
2/25: give Dad lotion; write letter of recommendation
2/26: call grandma; listen to a friend; invite a friend to dinner
2/27: write letter of rec; run errands for boyfriend
2/28: help a student with knitting; pick up boyfriend
2/29: help students with knitting; give knitting student yarn and needles
3/1: help out a sick coworker; get another coworker coffee
3/2: smile; cover another teacher's class
3/3: volunteer for Tucson Festival of books; give friend 3 baby hats and a baby sweater that I knit
3/4: give fruit to Children’s Choir; make cookies and give to neighbors
3/5: organize coworker's classroom;
3/6: help student with knitting; bring neighbors cookies
3/7: call brother
3/8: print plans for coworker; cover another teacher's class
3/9: remind others to be kind; smile more
3/10: get gelato for family and help pay for dinner
3/11: volunteer at Tucson Festival of Books
3/12: help student with knitting
3/13: invite a friend to breakfast
3/14: call parents
3/15: treat mom to dinner
3/16: buy coworker a book with gift card
3/17: invite friend for dinner
3/18: call and email grandparents
3/19: help student knit
3/20: knit kippahs for student; email friends
3/21: mail a friend's hat and scarf package; see family members
3/22: buy Eegee’s for boyfriend, call brother
3/23: watch a movie of boyfriend's choice
3/24: email cousin; treat friend to drinks; give Dad tea
3/25: make 2 tortilla españolas for 1st and 2nd period
3/26: make tortilla española for 7th period
3/27: buy boyfriend expensive technology
3/28: give coworker birthday present and cake; go to Communal Mass
3/29: make boyfriend dinner
3/30: ask someone how they were and mean it
3/31: buy friend lingerie for bridal shower; drive friends to casino
4/1: treat parents to dinner
4/2: make phone calls for boyfriend
4/3: give former coworkers tortilla española
4/4: open door for older woman
4/5: make boyfriend chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner
4/6: sing Good Friday; help Dad with car
4/7: (Holy Saturday); sing at Annointing of the Sick Mass; buy bread for Easter
4/8: bring present to parents
Some of it is repetitive, but at least it was something! I will continue the updates at various times throughout the year.
I hope you take some time to bring good into the world as well!
Friday, April 13, 2012
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