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New Year's Resolution Check 1

Well, I can't keep my resolutions without periodic check ups. Let's see what my goals were 3 months ago:

1. Lose 10 pounds by May. That should be doable.
I've lost 4 pounds, but still have a way to go. I stupidly have been eating lots of pizza, Mexican food, etc., which doesn't help. I'm cracking down on myself again, wanting to exercise more, etc. I'm doing zumba tomorrow and spring break is next week, so I'll try to exercise 5 times at least. There's also walking my dog...

2. Learn to knit lace. I already know how, but I want to get better and to do more than a rectangle. Craftsy.com is helping me accomplish this goal.

I started the lace shawl, which was going well, but then I took a break to finish other projects. Stupid me didn't say where I stopped. While I could have studied my knitting, I had so little done that I just unraveled it and will start again tonight. No stopping this time!

3. Learn to knit socks. Craftsy.com is again going to help me learn this.
Will start after the lace shawls...

4. Organize my place 5-10 minutes a day. It's a habit I need to hone...I'm good at cleaning and chores, just not putting my stuff away!

Google calendar has saved me here. I do clean daily now, but the reminder via email saves me daily as well. Things are much cleaner now and I'm less stressed because of it! Can I still improve on overall organization? Yes, but that's a summer thing.

5. Start designing hats.

I designed a baby hat. Now I need to start designing more things. TKGA Masters Level 1 will have me write out a full pattern. I'm excited for it!

6. Blog more.

I think I've improved, but I'd like to post more pictures and post 1-2 times per week. So it's still a work in progress.

I'm glad to see that I'm continuing in my resolution efforts! Of course, I have added more goals this year:
1a. Write an article comparing two 19th-century authors.
2a. Work through my yarn stash.
3a. Make a CD
4a. Learn to knit brioche.
5a. Learn to knit entrelac.

And that's all folks!


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