Knitting for Myself
I love to knit. As you know, I'm sure. There are so many projects that I want to make that I'm not sure if I will ever have enough time to complete them. Because I want to knit so many different types of projects, I'm lucky that I have many different friends to give them to.
I encounter a problem in my knitting speed when I knit for myself. In the past six years, I've completed only a hat for myself. I started a cable scarf last Christmas, but I never finished it. I'm finding the same problem with the shawl I'm working on. It's a beautiful cable and lace shawl, but I do have to follow a chart, which takes more time and concentration. While I can't wait to have the finished project, I find that I'm already looking for more projects to knit for others and it's been about a week since I've worked on my shawl. I need to find a solution for this. Any suggestions?
Happy knitting!
Sunday, January 01, 2012
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Amazon Shopping to Support MVM4 years ago
Brioche Knitting Resources5 years ago
Blog Tour for The Night Visitor10 years ago
Pebbly earrings13 years ago
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