Dear Reader,
In this day and age, after so many great writers have lived and written masterpieces, it seems unlikely that there is anything left to write. All of the stories have already been told, one variation at least. So why are there so many blogs out there? Let's face it, Chaucer's stories are a little outdated. Not only are the contexts wrong for the modern reader, but the language is antiquated. People are still writing his stories, for instance, but making them more modern, more accessible to readers today. And there's always a plot twist or another element from another story. Chaucer is wonderful and his stories are timeless, but writers today keep writing because they have different voices and different environments. There are some stories that have to be retold in one era, but forgotten in another. These stories contain ideas that stick with people long after the book has been laid down.
I hope that the antidotes from my life can at least make you think, or perhaps inspire you in one area of your life. I hope you find them entertaining and relevant.
Your devoted writer
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
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Blog Tour for The Night Visitor10 years ago
Pebbly earrings13 years ago
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