Some Knits
Hi there!
Well, as you can see from my absence, graduate school has really affected my ability to write posts and to knit. I normally bring my knitting to my choir practice, but I haven't for a while. My fellow singers started to ask, "Where's your knitting? Are you still knitting?" They seemed to be really concerned and worried about me. Instead I had forgone the yarn for books, since I've had to read two per week (it's not that bad actually). So when I finally brought my knitting this past week, a few of them breathed a sigh of relief, almost as if to say, "Good, she's okay. She's going to make it." Somehow in my life, or knitting career, taking around my projects and knitting during every free second has come to symbolize that I am well-balanced, happy, and sane. I must admit that knitting does relieve stress and it does make me happy, so perhaps bringing my needles around does demonstrate that I'm doing fine. I wonder if everyone has physical symbols to show the world their psyche. I'm sure psychologists would love that. Knitting needles equal sanity, crochet hooks mean low-stress, knives mean...paranoia, violent disposition? Perhaps knitting needles are a more aggressive symbol than I think...I'll have to work on the connections.
Anyhow, here is what I have been working on:
Saturday, November 23, 2013 | Labels: Knitting | 0 Comments
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