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New Year

Before I set goals for 2013, let's see how well I did for 2012:

1. Lose 10 pounds by May. That should be doable. 
   --Not doable. Oh well. I switched gyms, have lost a bit of weight, but I have lost inches. I'm still working on this one.
2. Learn to knit lace. I already know how, but I want to get better and to do more than a rectangle. Craftsy.com is helping me accomplish this goal.

  --Accomplished. I knit one lace shawl and have a second one on the needles.
3. Learn to knit socks. Craftsy.com is again going to help me learn this.

   --Still not done. I have a few more must-knits before I get to this, but I will this January!
4. Organize my place 5-10 minutes a day. It's a habit I need to hone...I'm good at cleaning and chores, just not putting my stuff away!

   --Done! thanks to google calendar, but whatever works, right?
5. Start designing hats. 

    --Done! Nothing exciting yet, but I can knit a hat without a pattern.
6. Blog more.

   --Maybe? I have good and bad weeks.

2013 goals!

1. Keep getting results from the gym. Rather than lose weight, I'd like a lower BMI number.
2. Be able to do 5 pull ups.
3. Stretch out my hamstrings.
4. Learn to knit socks.
5. Learn to knit Entrelac.
6. Finish the Masters Level 1 Program.
7. Do and finish the Masters Level 2 Program.
8. Save more money.

8 goals. I think I can do it :) Now to post more pictures of my completed sweater and accomplish more goals!

Happy New Year!

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