In Remembrance
In Remembrance
I smell gardenia and touch its lustrous leaves,
I remember your garden and your gardenias.
Gardenia: the scent of your home, your love, Grandpa Ralph.
In Church, I touch the Rosary beads as you so often did in life.
When I stepped into the Vatican, where you never walked,
I felt your spirit fluttering around me,
A frizzy energy of excitement.
And each time I pray,
You are with me, Grandma Florence,
My guardian angel.
When I have trouble falling asleep,
I remember the Dumbo stories you told us
About clumsy Longneck, Croc, and Dumbo with the chocolate toothpaste--
A bedtime series that every child dreams of, but so few hear.
And when my mortality hits me like a baseball in my chest,
I remember your words,
"If it happens to everyone, it can't be bad."
You continue to calm me, Grandpa Dick.
Every year at this time, I light candles
In remembrance of you all,
To bring your spirits into the new year with me.
Yet I think about you everyday
So you are present in the electric impulses in my brain,
An energy similar to the one you had in life,
But in different form.
Your energy stays with me still
And will remain with me for the rest of my days.
Sunday, December 27, 2009 | Labels: Poetry | 0 Comments
Holiday Cheer
The holidays are usually stress-filled, so I try my best to make my own holiday cheer. Granted, I'm not a full-fledged adult, so I don't have to worry about having guests, buying a tree, decorating it, and cooking. I am lucky. As a child, I didn't realize how much work my parents did so I could simply enjoy the magic of the holiday. When I was old enough to help with all of the preparation, suddenly the magic was gone and I wondered what had happened.
This year, I have many plans to make the holidays wonderful. For instance, I'll be making a gingerbread house. I am also making a lot of Christmas presents, so that helps me to constantly remember that this is the season of giving and showing your love. I will be singing at Christmas Eve and Day mass. And one more thing...I went to Winterhaven earlier in the week with my mother to see the lights. Now, perhaps my true colors will shine on this one, but being there gave me an idea for a holiday short story. More to come in the next post :D
Friday, December 18, 2009 | Labels: Life | 0 Comments
The Monsoon
El cielo.
El cielo no existe.
Solo hay nubes de tinto--
No como 'tinto de verano'
Pero como tinto de calamar
Muy oscuro, duro, opresivo.
La opresion esta en el aire, en la humedad--
Con la calma, con la tranquilidad, con el silencio tan grande
Que no puedo escuchar el viento en los arboles porque ya no hay hojas.
La tempestad ha llegado. Todavia no hay lluvia ni granizos, pero habra violencia.
La naturaleza me djio un secreto, pero ahora, solo hay
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 | Labels: Poetry | 0 Comments
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